A short one today; a few customers and partners have been asking where they can review and understand the availability of the Nimble dHCI Intelligent Upgrades for their environment.
Overnight, Nimble Engineering & Support have enhanced the Infosight Validated Configuration Matrix (VCM) with a new selector which covers Nimble dHCI Upgrades, and the various catalogs that are available for customers to upgrade to – should they be on the ‘allowlist’ to upgrade, based on AI-Ops (read more about ‘allowlists’ and ‘denylists’ and how HPE Nimble Storage uses them here).
Within the Validated Config Matrix, you’ll find this new selection in the Nimble dHCI section of the “Support For” drop-down selector at the top of the page:
The page then refreshes to show the released catalogs that are supported for customers to adopt. It’s possible to sort/filter for a specific version of a component you wish to stay compliant with (for example, you may want to stay on vSphere 6.7 for the time being).
Within each supported dHCI catalog, one can now review the following components required:
- which major/minor NimbleOS version
- which major/minor version of the HPE ESXi image
- which release of the HPE Proliant SPP pack
- which version of Nimble Connection Manager for VMware
We can also see from which catalog we can upgrade from, as well as any notes that require consideration.
This information is now visible for any Nimble customer, partner or HPE employee within the HPE Infosight SaaS portal. As long as you have an active login, you can get to it 🙂
To close the loop on this quick blog – within the dHCI user interface within vCenter we can review the catalogs available for me to upgrade the platform, which mirrors the information in the VCM. In my example here, i’m on Version 1.4 – and can only upgrade at this time to version 2.2 (as detailed in the VCM).
There we have it! Hope this small enhancement helps you with your upgrade planning 🙂
Cheers for now,